W5BWC Electronics

Free Articles and Projects

Well, I'm still around and projects are still active - even though parts go obsolete daily. The Palstar LA-1K 1000W linear amplifier using LDMOS FET is doing well. My contribution involved the RF deck and other circuitry.

The Palstar AMU-1K, a 1000W automatic matching unit, that operates similar to the LA-1K, is in production. Once the transmitter is keyed, the match is calculated and implemented in a matter of milliseconds.

But what sets this match unit apart from other "tuners" is the fact transmit power does not have to be reduced in order to tune.  When the transmitter is keyed, it is into an internal 50 Ohm load, where a sample of the TX RF is used to calculate a match.

Then a make-before-break switch transfers the transmitter into the matched antenna. If a match can not be found, the touch screen display reports no match and the operator simply un-keys.



New under "Articles" tab is an outstanding article "2M Repeater Design and BpBr compensation for Transmitter Impedance" by Jerry Ritdhie, WA5OKO. Jerry worked in my Product Engineering group at Alcatel and is a fine RF Engineer.

I hope, with this Website, to provide some unique technical information and ideas applicable to electronic technology for accomplished Amateur Radio Operators, Technicians and Engineers. I see many excellent Websites providing a wide range of introductory and basic tutorial topics. Also the ARRL's QST, QEX and Handbook publications are excellent sources of technical material and projects.

My desire is to complement these sources and not just duplicate material they have already presented well. Therefore topics addressed here are inherently limited and one might even observe focused on my own personal projects and studies, but perhaps a few technical practitioners will find some usefulness herein. I offer the technical content of this Website FREE of cost or obligation for personal, non-commercial use, with the user's acceptance of any and all liability.




Good source for solder paste (the good 63/37) as well as dispensing and SMT rework equipment. Excellent service and very helpful.

Far Circuits

Custom printed Circuit Boards. Also boards for many published projects. Excellent value and good service.

Unfortunate news - Fred at Far Circuits is in the process of retiring.  Check with him for your needs before starting a project. February 1, 2025.


Renco Electronics