PS15D102 Projects

The following pictures are from projects that were completed using the PS15D102 Assembly. Please have a look at the creative and excellent project skills that are still alive and well in the Amateur Radio community. I know I have missed some pictures and I apologize. If you would like your project pictures included, please send them to me (or again send them!).


The above picture group is from Richard Snyder, AA6RS and shows his use of the PS15D102 in conjunction with additional circuitry of his design. He had other station requirements that are satisfied by the additional functions.

Note his techniques and excellent workmanship.


The above picture group is from David Rutledge, AL7M and shows his use of the PS15D102. Note also his techniques and excellent workmanship that appear to be from military training.


The picture to the left is from Serge Miller, KT6KT. Serge completed a very nice 20 ADC power supply using the PS15D102 assembly and documented his work in a pdf document. Click on the picture to see his complete documentation of his power supply construction.